'Love Poems For Married People' Will Help Spice Things Up In The— Zzzzz

By Ari Shapiro
Love Poems (For Married People) by John Kenney; Hardcover, 101 pages
Honey? You awake? There's no shortage of romantic verse for people who have just fallen in love. But no one waxes poetic about the soft glow of a smartphone screen, or the sweet caress of sweatpants. So John Kenney, a "longtime married person," has filled this void with a slim volume called Love Poems (for Married People), in which he celebrates what happens to romance after years (and years, and years) of partnership. The book started a few years ago as a rather hastily written humor column in The New Yorker and "it got a pretty good response," Kenney says. Every year on Valentine's Day, it resurfaces. "Whoever you are ... newly married, longtime married, whatever kind of relationship you're in, I think there are some universal truths about life together," Kenney says.[More]