Artist Nick Cave Talks About Surrendering to the Sacred

By Diana Sette
Nick Cave and “Wall Relief” (2013), mixed media, including ceramic birds, metal flowers, afghans, strung crystals, and gramophone (all photos by the author for Hyperallergic, except where otherwise noted)
AKRON, Ohio — Nick Cave made his first Soundsuit in 1992 as a reaction to the beating of Rodney King by members of the LA Police Department, and has created over 500 since then. The individual objects embedded in the Soundsuits include buttons, twigs, and toys and feel everyday and familiar, but through Cave’s juxtaposition of these objects, something other and unfamiliar emerges. Hyperallergic met with Nick Cave at the Akron Art Museum as he installed his current exhibition, Feat. (February 23–June 2, 2019) and contemplated the creation of his forthcoming show at the Smithsonian. [More]

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