By Gregory & Ernest Disney-Britton
"GABRIEL" by Gabriel Garcia Román ( 2011);  Photogravure w/ Chine-Colle; 11in x 14in
Gabriel Garcia Román's "Queer Icons" are marching in New York City's Pride Parade today. Román is a Mexican-American multimedia artist based in NYC, and this year the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art commissioned him to re-produce his powerful Icons portraits of LGBT people of color as a processional art installation to be carried by marchers during today's parade in Manhattan. We're in Washington, DC today (see pics below), but whishing we were in NYC too. That's why "Queer Icons" creator Gabriel Garcia Román is our artist of the week.
Prototype of the processional art installation commissioned by Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay & Lesbian Art
NEWS OF 2008-2019 from across the USA, and around the world:
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The view from the Washington Harbor riverfront in Georgetown after AMC movie night across the street to see "Men In Black International."
Veal Parmagina entree on Dupont Circle was as good as it was huge.
Naptime at the Residence Inn promptly upon arrival. Greg has a long night planned. Time to get recharged. 
We can see the Washington Monument from the airport. 
At the Indianapolis Airport waiting for our delayed flight for Washington, DC. The American Airlines's flight was delayed by 1-hour, but we are still smiling. 

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