New Initiative CANVAS Offers Funding to Jewish Artists

By Esther D. Kustanowitz
Adi Liraz in a durational performance, part of the work: "Textured (Hi)Stories" Photo by Eva Giannakopoulo
In a time when so many causes and issues are vying for both attention and Jewish community funding, a new funding collaborative, CANVAS, will strengthen arts and culture through grants to five national nonprofit Jewish arts and culture networks, and distribute emergency funds for individual artists. The five grantee networks are Asylum Arts, the Council of American Jewish Museums (CAJM), the Jewish Book Council, LABA: A Laboratory for Jewish Culture and Reboot, which collectively represent nearly 2,000 artists and creatives and more than 100 Jewish museums. The partnership — incubated by the Jewish Funders Network (JFN) — will provide a total of $736,000 for operating support. [More]
Anyone wishing to support CANVAS’s $180,000 emergency fund for creatives in any amount can do so here. One hundred percent of donations will be distributed to artists and creatives economically impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.