
Showing posts from April, 2014

Art Review: Forms of Illumination in Texas Islamic Art Exhibition

NYC's Museum of Biblical Art Secures Donatello Masterworks From Italy

No Boundaries: Gay Kuwaiti Artist Tareq Sayed Rajab de Montfort

Bill Viola Unveils Major New Installation At St Paul's Cathedral

Sacred Web Conference Contemplates the Importance of Religion in a Secular Age

Artwork Lenders Agree to Extend BYU's 'Sacred Gifts' Exhibit

10th Biennial Liturgical Arts Festival’s Juried Art Exhibit Opened Saturday at the Springfield Art Association

Pope Exhibit Coincides With Viewing of Canonization of John Paul II

Iranian Falls in Love With the Colors & Temple Erotica of India

Japanese Artist Hiroshi Sugimoto's "Acts of God" at Fraenkel Gallery

For The Love of Basquiat: 25 Years After His Drug Overdose\

Scientists Say Shroud of Turin Shows Jesus Was Crucified in 'Very Painful' Position, With Arms Over Head

Monday's Mother & Child by Arthur Szyk


How Do We Explain The Evolution Of Religion?

India's Imprint on Faith on Display in New York City Art Museum

Religious Tattoos Represent Beginning of Body Art

From Noah to Moses, Why the Renewed Interest in Bible Films? 80 Million Tickets

The Met Museum to Present "Treasures From India: Jewels From the Al-Thani Collection"

Noha Al-Sharif — an Expert in Islamic Sculpture

Sikhs Buy Back Their History One Bid at a Time, But Say Museum Space is a Hard Sell

Art Brings Out the Invisible: Lessons for American Cities

Seattle Asian Art Museum Preserves Exotic, Everyday Art in Volunteer Park

Religion, Spirituality and Arts Initiative Showcased on April 30 in Indianapolis

Neil Patrick Harris Poses Shirtless with Boa Snake for Vanity Fair

'Enter The Mandala' Exhibit at The Asian Art Museum Dramatically Maps Out Buddhism

New Exhibit Showcases Artistic Depictions of Various Forms of Jewish Study

Expressions Galore of H.F. Husain at Victoria & Albert Museum in London

Poet Laureate Confronts His Childhood Abuse by Priest

Monday's Madonna & Child (1648) is by Nicolas Poussin at the Cleveland Museum of Art

‘Pilgrimage Through Minami Yamashiro: Early Buddhist Art of Southern Kyoto ‘


Movie Review: "Heaven is for Real" Stars Greg Kinnear

Holyday Art for Good Friday: "My Dad Mocking Christ" by Tom Torluemke

Holyday Art for Maundy Thursday: "The Last Supper" by Doug Blanchard

Columbus Museum of Art: Jewish Marriage Pacts Binding, Beautiful

Irene Leache Memorial Gifts to Chrysler Museum Strengthen Collection

Indiana History Journal Examines Public Art/Race and Controversy

Patreon: A Fast-Growing Marketplace For Individual Artists And Patrons

How Can Turkish Islamic Fine Arts Help Us Understand Higher Spirituality?

Hindu & Buddhist Art Exhibit at Metropolitan Highlights Formations in the Stone

Passover, the Jewish Holiday for Gentiles

Women Restoring Sikh Art at Golden Temple

East-West/West-East: Qatar Unveils Desert Sculpture by American Artist Richard Serra

Message of Passover is One for All of Humanity: Jews, Blacks, Everyone

The Jewish Museum in New York to Present "Mel Bochner: Strong Language"

If Jesus Never Called Himself God, How Did He Become One?

Palm-Sized Scroll That Mentions Jesus's Wife is Ancient: Harvard Theological Review

Malaysia Bans Noah Film as ‘Un-Islamic’

Today's Holy-day Art (PASSOVER) for Jews

Bharti Singh's Artworks Portray the Artist’s Spiritual Journey

Canadian Billionaire Collector Considers Himself Caretaker of Famed Sikh’s Sword

Amen! Mormon's Say Farewell to the Salt Lake Tribune’s Faith Section

In ‘Lost Kingdoms,’ National Treasures From Asian Countries

Obama: Religious Intolerance Has 'No Place in Our Society'

How is the Date for Easter Decided Each Year? Answer: Passover