Have a "Mary" Christmas this year! We'll be back on January 6, 2016

By Disney-Britton
"Nativity" by Christina Saj
While we usually wish "Merry" Christmas, this year is different. This year, following the Nativity Fast, we are placing less focus on the merry, and more on "Mary," and her son "Christ." We'll be back on "Little Christmas" - Wednesday, January 6, 2016, and until then, we wish you a very "Mary Christmas."

December 24, 2015, 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service  (Arrival for seats 10:15 p.m.)
Christ Church Cathedral - A Festal Choral Eurcharist, Indianapolis, Indiana
Ernest, Kasey, and Gregory wishing you the very best New Year with art of the religious imagination


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